Challenge Tackled

Industrial IoT Dashboard

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Kardex Remstar

Wireframing User-centred design MEAN Stack Angular 7 Express Node.js Bootstrap CSS MongoDB

Usage of available machine data to provide added value.

Kardex Remstar is one of the world's leading suppliers of automated storage and retrieval solutions. Kardex Remstar recently launched their new digital service product portfolio which includes condition monitoring of their solutions. Additionally, their platform provides real-time operational data on their automated storage systems. However, how this data could be leveraged to generate value-adding information for different target users was not yet determined. Furthermore, a web-based, modern user interface to visualize the data or corresponding information was not available.


Focus on the information which triggers actions or decisions.

By focusing on user's needs, EMBRIO helped Kardex Remstar to identify which information is valuable for key target users. In a joint effort, we analyzed key user profiles and their daily jobs in the context of the machines to derive the most value-adding information elements required. These information elements were then combined to a user interface design using wireframing techniques. The user interface displays only information which triggers a user's actions or decisions and therefore supports him in doing a better job.


Build an online dashboard and test it with real customers.

Within a few days EMBRIO built a first version of the user interface: a web-based dashboard allowing to monitor the machine usage and health, to start service requests, and to connect to a spare parts shop. The working dashboard is accessible online, through a standard web browser. The result was presented at an international trade fair for intralogistics to collect valuable feedback from real customers. With the dashboard quickly built and deployed by EMBRIO, Kardex Remstar was able to conceptualize, test and iterate a new concept and to improve their digital service portfolio.


until MVP


initial investment

Impressions image

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