We tackle your Challenge

Legacy Software Modernization

Do you have legacy software that urgently needs to be upgraded or replaced to guarantee its availability in the future?

legacy software modernisation
What matters

Drive modernization from a total cost of ownership perspective.

When new product features are difficult and slow to implement, or negative user feedback emerges, are these clear signs that software modernization is overdue. Such signs are often ignored as people are afraid of the effort and cost related to software modernization. At the same time the man-hours of operating and maintaining the existing legacy software are neglected. Evaluate the total cost of ownership of your legacy software to assess the cost-benefit of any software modernization.

Maximize the impact of modernization for your value chain whilst minimizing the disruption of the daily business.

Any modernization project should maximise the positive impact on your value chain. However, the migration process should be designed to be least disruptive for your existing operations. Employees should be able to continue working and customers want to be served. So plan carefully to prevent downtime. So that users can continue to work seamlessly.

Migrate legacy data with the highest precision.

When you migrate data from a legacy system to a new system, you should be extremely thorough. The pareto principle (80/20 approach) often makes sense in everyday business. But not in data migration. If a new system is to understand the data from an old system, each old data field must be carefully mapped to the new ones. If something goes wrong in the process, bugs are inevitable. No resources for a thorough data migration? Then you better do without migrating legacy data.

Don't be fooled by the sunk costs fallacy when making investment decisions.

Actually, the concept of the Sunk Costs Fallacy is part of the management 101. It states that expenditures made in the past are lost and irrelevant for future investment decisions. But when organizations decide to modernize their legacy systems, they are often deceived by the Sunk Cost Fallacy. With the argument that a lot of money, time and effort was already invested, they stick to existing solutions. If modernization reduces future expenses, you should go for it regardless of what you have invested in the past.

Our Offerings

Kick Start Offering

Information Technology Assessment

Have your technology stack reviewed by vendor-neutral experts so that you can continue to rely on future-proof technology. We highlight measures to improve the speed, usability and cost of ownership of your applications.

From CHF 8K

Modernization Strategy

Get an actionable plan on how to modernize your software legacy.

Data Migration

Get your legacy data mapped to your new data models.

Project Management

Get an experienced project manager to accelerate your digitization projects.

Vendor Evaluation

Get an individual and vendor-neutral evaluation of digital solution providers and existing software.

Requirement Engineering

Get your business requirements translated into implementable, technical requirements.

Individual Consulting

Get individual expertise for your challenges.

Specific Expertise

Extend your team with the digital competencies you still need.

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Do you have antiquated legacy software?

We can help you to replace or to renew it.

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