
We love to design, build and operate digital solutions.

We are the agency for digital innovation based in Switzerland with roots at ETH Zürich. Our mission is to support businesses in innovating faster and successfully with digital technologies. We rapidly transform your ideas into testable solutions. Together we sharpen your digital vision and turn it into the value-adding products, services and workflows of tomorrow.


Technical expertise and business competencies out of one hand.

  "techSkills": [
    "web & IoT app development",
    "IT solution architecture",
    "cloud services & computing",
    "DevOps engineering",
    "requirement engineering",
    "machine learning & AI"
  "methodSkills": [
    "user-centered design",
    "agile development",
    "UX and UI design",
    "project lead & management",
    "business model development",
    "growth hacking"


Dev Specialist. Partner.

Versatilist at the intersection of design, business and dev. A UI is like a joke. not good if it needs explanation.

Dr. Sc. ETH Engineering


Cloud Specialist. Partner.

Engineer by trade, software developer by passion. his smart home becomes smarter than himself.

Dr. Sc. ETH Engineering


Product Specialist.

Former number cruncher on M&A transactions. Now trying to crunch feature requests into well-crafted UX.

BSc ZHAW Business

Core Team

We are Digital Natives with a Hands-on Mentality

Fast and Agile

Reduce the risk in projects by delivering value early.

Tangible Results

Deliver working prototypes to convince target users and management.

Technology for Business

Use technology where it is fit for purpose and never for the sake of it.

User-centered Design

Focus on the user and his needs to create compelling solutions.

label Swiss made software

Sustainable value creation according to Swiss standards and precision.

Do you like our team?

Hire our interdisciplinary team for your digital challenge.

Let's talk!