digital solution builders
Digital Solution Builders

We create compelling digital solutions.

Get expertise,
qualified manpower,
or your tailored
end-to-end solution.

Current Offerings

Discover how you can benefit from us.

Digital Product Development

Software MVP Development

Get a working Minimum Viable Product within days for your digital product idea you can use to validate your concept. No need for detailed requirements. Tell us about your idea and we anticipate the rest.

From CHF 10K

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO Quick Check

Get insights on how to improve search engine ranking performance of your website. We do a brief analysis of your websites' current SEO implementation. We derive practical recommendations for better rankings.

CHF 500

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Digital Tech Due Diligence

Red Flag Assessment

Have your investment target's digital technology assessed by experts to identify the gaps between business ambitions and technology limitations. Gain confidence in the return potential of your next investment.

from CHF 5K

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Legacy Software Modernization

Information Technology Assessment

Have your technology stack reviewed by vendor-neutral experts so that you can continue to rely on future-proof technology. We highlight measures to improve the speed, usability and cost of ownership of your applications.

From CHF 8K

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Business Process Digitization

Efficiency Improvement Sprint

Strive for operational excellence. Within three weeks, we collect your employees' ideas for improving your business processes, we evaluate their potential and implement the most promising idea in a MVP.

From CHF 14.5K

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Cloud Potential Exploitation

Cloud Application Operation

Let your team work alongside our experienced DevOps specialists. You bring the application knowledge and we bring cutting edge automation and observability. Together we run your software application ensuring availability, security and scalability.

From CHF 1K monthly

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Development Efficiency Improvement

Development Pipeline Analysis

Get a holistic analysis of your current development and operating model by experts who understand the technical and business side of software development. We identify bottlenecks and fields of action for improvement.

From CHF 8K

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Latest Work

Projects we have recently realized.

Open Source Authorization Access Control JSON Policy

Implementing and maintaining user permissions and access control logic usually turns from a trivial matter into a tedious and complex endeavor for application developers. Leveraging our experience and common best practices, we could build a comprehensive and field-tested software development kit (SDK). As an open source solution, empowers efficient development, high maintainability, and makes applications more secure.

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MongoDB Agile Development Node.js User-centred Design React DevOps Kubernetes Cloud Operation

The Pharmaceutical Care Research Group at the University of Basel aims to expand and strengthen the medical consultation and decision-making competencies of pharmacy personnel when dispensing medications. We develop a web-based software, with which dynamic questionnaires for anamnesis, decision support for drug selection and consultation content can be digitally recorded, managed and presented to the users. The digital consultation tool pharMe trains and supports pharmacy personnel in obtaining medical histories and selecting medications, while documenting the consultation automatically—currently for dispensing emergency contraception.

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Organizations we or our team members have worked with.

jakob müller logo
benninger logo
tuchschmid logo logo
Centrifuge Wordmark Logo
reamis logo image
boxagram logo
ETH Zurich logo
logo stadt zürich DIB
tamedia logo
kardex remstar logo
idun logo
logo abrantix
buehler logo
bosch logo
abb logo
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eta logo
dormakaba logo
alpa logo
pdz logo
novartis logo
innovation network logo
eth juniors logo
universitätsspital logo
jakob müller logo
benninger logo
tuchschmid logo logo
Centrifuge Wordmark Logo
Latest Ideas

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